
From multi billion-pound contracts to concise bid documents, we’ve worked with leaders in the rail industry across the globe. Take a look at some of our prestigious projects...

Project Metro

Technical Due Diligence for a European freight lessor and maintainer

Macquarie European Rail

Technical and commercial advisor to Akiem on the successful acquisition of the Macquarie European Rail (MER) portfolio.

Class 93 market appraisal

Freight market analysis to determine future market for newly procured locomotives. Asset appraisal of the new locomotives highlighting and risks and a fair market valuation with discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis.

Class 70 asset review

Technical review of asset condition and maintenance practices. Financial valuation using discounted cash flow methodologies.

NWML Improvements advisor

Assessing the impact of a potential service frequency increase on rolling stock operation and maintenance as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

ETCS Strategic Review

IPEX was retained by a European rolling stock leasing company to carry out a strategic review of the current ERTMS roll out plans within Europe and the UK